How can we reduce screen time for children?

It’s understandable that busy parents and caretakers struggle to find good alternatives to games, videos and other digital, screen-based media. At Abel Studios, we believe that the future is audio. Removing a screen from the equation helps to build a child’s imagination and creativity. Listening to soundscapes specifically designed to spark the imagination engages the mind in ways that visual content simply can’t. No screen also means no longer having to worry about blue or red light-levels and the side-effects that looking at a screen may have on a child’s sleep cycle. This is especially important when it comes to finding bedtime content to help a child wind down for the night! 

Plenty of kids’ audio content already exists, but very little of it is tailored to the children of today. A five-year-old typically has an attention span of, at best, fifteen minutes. Yet, the average audiobook lasts four to five hours! This is one of the reasons that Abel produces short-form content. Our average stories are five to fifteen minutes long. Our audio stories will be distributed on the large streaming platforms - stay tuned!

Join us today in the audio revolution!

Audio stories can offer several benefits for kids. Here are five advantages of audio fiction for children:

  1. Enhancing listening skills: audio stories (and audiobooks) provide an opportunity for children to develop and improve their listening skills. By actively engaging with the story through auditory comprehension, kids can enhance their ability to concentrate, follow narratives, and understand complex language structures.

  2. Improving vocabulary and language skills: Listening to audio stories (and audiobooks) exposes children to a wide range of vocabulary, sentence structures, and language patterns. This exposure helps expand their vocabulary and fosters a deeper understanding of grammar and storytelling techniques. As a result, their overall language skills, including reading and writing abilities, can improve.

  3. Encouraging imagination and creativity: audio stories (and audiobooks) stimulate a child's imagination by allowing them to visualise the story based on the narrator's voice, tone, and sound effects. It encourages them to create mental images, envision characters, and develop a greater sense of creativity.

  4. Fostering a love for literature: audio stories (and audiobooks) make literature more accessible and enjoyable for children, particularly those who may struggle with reading or have difficulty accessing physical books. The engaging narration and expressive storytelling can instill a love for literature and motivate children to explore different genres and authors.

  5. Multitasking and convenience: audio stories provide flexibility and convenience as children can listen to them while engaged in other activities, such as chores, car rides, or relaxing. This allows kids to multitask and make productive use of their time by immersing themselves in stories and learning while performing other tasks.

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